What would you rather?
What is the key to life?
Ive had it all and I've had nothing, what would you prefer to have?
I say F**k it, what makes you happy do it, don't even doubt about what it is... Just grab it by the balls and go for it..
Life is far to precious to be debating in your mind whats right and wrong, Be happy, be positive it's the best way to be.
I feel through life you get a lot of ups and downs, positive feelings and negative feelings.. What you have to understand is the more positive feelings and vibes you give out to the universe you get back in return the same goes for negative feelings/vibes the more you give out the more negativity you get back from the universe.
So for example, say its money you really desire from life...
Be grateful for the money you have got, be positive for how much is sitting in your bank account, look at bills in a positive way imagine that money isn't going out of your bank its coming back in...
Changing the way you think in a very simple way will help you change your mind set on everything else in life such as relationships, family, friends, work and general life.
If you find it difficult to be a naturally positive person try something out for me and more importantly yourself..
Step 1: Before you go to sleep, in your head list the things you love the most and be thankful for them so for example... Thank you for my amazing family/partner/friends etc.
Step 2: Before you think of anything else in the morning, yet again be thankful for what you love; family, friend, partner, money etc.
Step 3: Throughout the day battle through the negative thoughts and find your happy thoughts, remind yourself of the things you love.
Step 4: Listen to the music that puts a massive smile on your face, embrace that feeling you get listening to your music.
Step 4: Give a lot of love to others, something as simple as smiling at someone. You feel a warmth inside of you to start growing, this warmth is the feeling of love except it its a magical thing to hold the power of.
You get the hang of where you need to go with the rest of the steps, give love and you will receive it... It may not be in the way you gave the love but you will get it back, as the universe will return that love back to you.
Just imagine how happy and positive you can be... the only person stopping you is, yourself.
The two books which has helped me and many other people are;
The secret,
The power.
F**k it.
These are truly amazing books which makes you think about the little things in life, you'll find yourself go through a little journey with the book.
Give them a go, here is one of my favourite snippets of one of the books, can't tell you which one because where would the fun be for you?!
'A change of feeling is a change of destiny'
'Neville Goddard'
Thank you for reading.
Be happy, be positive.
Give love, love yourself, love others.
Lots of Love,
One girl, One world.
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